
An Evening of Appreciation
An Evening of Appreciation
For Every Morah, Principal and Teacher
Motzei Shabbos, Feb 26th
Kol Yaakov Hall, 1703 McDonald Ave, Brooklyn
While Moros are always taking care of everyone else, it's now time for Torah Umesorah to "take care" of our Moros! And it has been happening across the globe, in a very grandiose way. A series of elegant, elaborate, and uplifting Melava Malka evenings have been held for Morahs in Far Rockaway, NY; Lakewood, NJ; Los Angeles, CA; Toronto, ONT; Norfolk, VA; Monsey, NY; and Manchester, England. Now, it's Brooklyn's turn!

It's for YOU! Principals, Morahs, Teachers, School Secretaries, High School, Preschool, and Morahs of Boys are all invited to join Torah Umesorah Motzei Shabbos, February 26th, at Kol Yaakov Hall, for an Evening of Appreciation Melava Malka.

Get ready to join an event that will transform your focus on what you do for our Bnos Yisroel and provide you with a deeper dimension of practical opportunities for connection and uplifting your precious talmidos. It's an event not to be missed!

The program will feature a beautiful audio-visual presentation, guest speaker, interviews, and a music video. A delectable, hot dairy buffet will be served. THE POP QUIZ - an interactive, entertaining show will also be included in the evening's programming.

Admission is FREE. Doors open 8:30; program begins 9:00pm. Valet parking will be available.

Need help getting to the event? Transportation is available! Please contact the Brooklyn Teacher Center, at 718-744-3100 or for any questions you may have. This event is for women only.

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