
Mashgiach Training Program
Open to all classroom rebbeim or school mashgichim
Men's Program
Torah Umesorah Headquarters, 620 Foster Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Sundays 3-6pm EST, Nov-June
The Torah Umesorah Nefesh Chaya Mashgiach & Mechaneches Training Program equips Rebbeim and Mashgichim with vital tools to reach every student's social, emotional, and behavioral needs.
Am I a good fit for this training?
This course is for the classroom Rebbi or Mashgiach, who would like to make sure he connects to and understands every talmid in the room. The training provides participants with the theoretical knowledge and practical application of essential foundations of psychology needed to recognize a student in need. Whether the student is experiencing behavioral or social-emotional difficulties, facing trauma in the home, or needs further academic support or intervention, our Mashgichim complete the training equipped with vital tools to intervene, provide support and explore the next steps.What will I gain from this course?
As a participant in this course, you will have the opportunity to learn from and access top professionals in the world of mental health today. You will be joining a chabura of like-minded mechanchim interested in ongoing personal and professional growth. There is a heavy emphasis on the essence of self-esteem, grit and motivation, understanding and treating anxieties and OCD, and conduct disorders such as ADD and ADHD. Rabbonim and Veteran Mechanchim will lecture on specific topics such as 'Kedushas Am Yisroel' and 'The Role of the Mashgiach in Our Schools.'What are the requirements for joining the training?
The rebbi must be nominated by the menahel and currently employed in the yeshiva. A letter of recommendation must accompany the application. Register today and set up your talmidim for a lifetime of success.What does it cost?
The course fee is $1,200, to be paid by the school. A partial payment of $600 is due upon acceptance, followed by the balance at a later date. All participants are required to submit a credit card along with the application. Payment plans may be arranged with the Torah Umesorah financial office.How can I apply?
Review all the PDF details and complete the attached application form.I have more questions, how do I reach the office?
email and our office will do our best to be in touch and answer your questions.For more information click here
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