
YESOD HA'ADAM: Unlocking the Secrets of Your Students Souls: Foundations for Overcoming Challenges
Created & presented by: Rebbetzin Tzivi (Grama) Tukshinsky
July 12
Torah Umesorah National Headquarters, 620 Foster Ave, Brooklyn, NY
Take advantage of this rare opportunity, a class given for Teachers, Menahalos and Mechanchos.
In this workshop, you will learn: The causes of emotional, spiritual and social challenges, How to address the causes and overcome the obstacles, How to unleash your student’s true splendor and glory, The Torah Hakedosha’s approach and sources to address today's most painful issues.
This course will empower you to make immediate positive changes in your life and in the lives of the students you serve.
Registration Required. Fee: $40.00 (Please note: There is no livestream option available for this event.)
Click to download the flyer.
In this workshop, you will learn: The causes of emotional, spiritual and social challenges, How to address the causes and overcome the obstacles, How to unleash your student’s true splendor and glory, The Torah Hakedosha’s approach and sources to address today's most painful issues.
This course will empower you to make immediate positive changes in your life and in the lives of the students you serve.
Registration Required. Fee: $40.00 (Please note: There is no livestream option available for this event.)
Click to download the flyer.
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